The Mu'tazilah school is a theological school in Islam which is known for
its rational and philosophical approach. This school emphasizes the
importance of reason in understanding religion, and prioritizes the
concepts of justice and human freedom in determining one's actions. This
research aims to examine the main concepts of the Mu'tazilah school,
including its five basic principles: the oneness of God (tawhid), God's
justice ('adl), promises and threats (al-wa'd wa al-wa'id), position the
middle between faith and unbelief (al-manzilah bayna al-manzilatayn),
as well as commanding makruf nahi munkar. The methodology used in
this research is a literature study of classical and contemporary works
about the Mu'tazilah, as well as a critical analysis of the influence of this
school in the development of Islamic thought. It is hoped that this
research can make a significant contribution in understanding the role
and relevance of the Mu'tazilah sect in the history and development of
Islamic theology, as well as providing new insights into discussion
regarding the relationship between reason and revelation in Islam.